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Are you going to IamLUG?

Come!  Register right now!  It is in St. Louis (which is an awesome Midwestern city) and it runs May 6 & 7.

That’s a Monday and Tuesday people!  Who can’t get out of the office for a Monday and Tuesday??

This will be my first time attending and I am very excited because I’ve always heard great things about it.

In case you had not noticed, the LUGs are the thing these days.

They have the 1996 Lotusphere feel to them which is awesome!

  • They are focused on technology (vs marketing).
  • They are cheaper to attend (often they are free or only require a very small registration fee vs $2K+).
  • They are easier to attend because they are shorter (Connect takes a week but a LUG can be done in a couple of days).
  • The crowd is smaller so the community vibe is way bigger!

I am also speaking this year at IamLUG.  Giving another fine introduction to folks on how to use managed beans in your XPage applications.  If my speech ain’t your thing (or you’ve heard it all before…or you just don’t care for my style…shocking, I know…ha ha ha), there are TONS of other sessions that look really great.

Let’s face it.  Your boss may not always be there for you when you say you want to go to IBM Connect since it may not be on obvious tie-in to your current technical environment but IamLUG?  That’s an easy sell up the chain.  Cheaper, closer, shorter, nicer, friendlier, better content for you.

Click here to register for IamLUG right now!