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2014.  Uh, yeaahhhhh. <sigh>

There is much I could say but I’ll limit it to this: 2014 was not a great year in many, many ways and I’m literally looking forward to a time where the idiocy in my country, and the world in general, will rightfully be recognized for the foolishness that it is and the ever-moving societal pendulum swings back towards an equilibrium that actually makes sense.

Moving on.

QDiligence had a spectacular year!


Growth in sales, productivity, functionality, security, process, team size…all excellent.

2015 should actually be even better but with an industry-changing business that has been noticed by The Big Guys and the level of data and process security required to keep out The Bad Guys it is clear that a) we’re in the right place at the right time with the right solution and b) we must stay laser-focused on consistent execution of our business plans.

To that end I have chosen a suitable new Moleskine notebook to use as my daily driver.

Two years ago I used the Evernote Edition as my first foray and last year I chose one of the Hobbit editions essentially for one possible meaning of the cover art.  This year I need to constantly remember and focus on these two simple facts:

1. We are The Rebels.

2. The Empire is out there.

2015.  Bring it!