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Breaking Bad: A Few Comments

Never have been one to watch a lot of TV but I got pretty sick a few weeks back and then we had the crazy Polar Vortex so while I was resting and staying in the house I rejoined Netflix to take in Breaking Bad to see what all of the chatter was about.The Mrs. and I...

My Favorite Development Tool

Behold…The Mighty Pencil!(Of course you can use any brand of pencil although I prefer the Field Notes brand myself.)Way back when I first started teaching Notes application development, I generally advised developers to pull out a blank piece of paper and a...

And Vanished From The Earth…

What the ??  Where did that title come from?  From an absolutely fascinating article,“…and The Mound-builders Vanished From The Earth”, on how Americans (loosely defined) tried to determine just who built those mounds everywhere in North America?To The Point...