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Made the move to WordPress

Welp…moved off of Blogger and onto WordPress.  I’ve been doing a lot of WordPress stuff at work and it was pretty easy to export everything out of Blogger and to import all the posts into a WordPress site I just up and did it this morning. I’ve never...

Platform Decision: 3 Minutes

We’ve been running on XPages since 2010 and every year we consider switching development platforms and last Friday our decision conversation went something like this…Russ: IBM Domino future is still very murky, is it time to think about using something...

I say it here, it happens there…

Love to know what the actual price was.  I’m guessing it was less than $100M.I said…$100M would probably buy @IBM Domino business. You get $2BN+ in annual renewal revenue. Even if costs = $1BN, still A FORTUNE! #IBMNotes— Russell Maher (@RussellMaher)...